
Welcome to Rob Hakimian’s website, collecting together the best of his writing from over the years.

Elsewhere Margate: Vinyl Destination

Elsewhere Margate: Vinyl Destination

Walking up Margate’s commercial hub The Centre, Elsewhere stands out. Even if I hadn’t been there to talk to its proprietors, I undoubtedly would have been attracted to the space by its eye-catching pop-art decoration (distinct from the humdrum chain shops either side) and pressed my face to the large windows to look into the cavernous space. Inside, where I meet two of Elsewhere’s founders, Sammy Clarke and Ciarán Cliffe, I find myself in a high-ceilinged and welcoming space; a collection of well-stocked record bins to the right, beyond them the counter of the café, and dotted about places to sit and enjoy the ambiance. Excitement increases upon descending into Elsewhere’s lower level, where they’ve built a 200-capacity DIY gig venue.

- I wrote a feature about Elsewhere, the awesome new venue and record store in Margate (and the people who set it up) in the Winter ‘18 issue of ‘cene magazine.

Flasher interview: "What we were trying to do on the record is start from the most accessible place, only to mutilate or contort it."

Flasher interview: "What we were trying to do on the record is start from the most accessible place, only to mutilate or contort it."

Lost Under Heaven interview: "The record reflects on breaking mind-made manacles that chain you to things that don't serve you."

Lost Under Heaven interview: "The record reflects on breaking mind-made manacles that chain you to things that don't serve you."