
Welcome to Rob Hakimian’s website, collecting together the best of his writing from over the years.

BPM's Top 25 EPs of 2020

BPM's Top 25 EPs of 2020

Our first piece of year-end content on Beats Per Minute is highlighting our favourite EPs (and mini-albums) of 2020. I wrote about:

illuminati hotties - Free I.H: This is Not The One You’ve Been Waiting For

Rosehip Teahouse - Fine

Skullcrusher - Skullcrusher

But there’s so much goodness. Take a look.

BPM's Top 50 Songs of 2020

BPM's Top 50 Songs of 2020

Interview: Grand Pax – The London songwriter opens up about her vivid and intimate music

Interview: Grand Pax – The London songwriter opens up about her vivid and intimate music