
Welcome to Rob Hakimian’s website, collecting together the best of his writing from over the years.

Interview: Melenas

Interview: Melenas

“They remain proudly Spanish-speaking throughout Dias Raros. “The way you express and you feel is in your own language,” Laura says. “And I think Spanish is a good language to express in rock and roll and pop music.” This is backed up by Oihana, who says: “It feels more genuine. When you listen to Turkish music or music in French, it has something that makes it different, and that is cool.”

“I don’t think it’s necessary to sing in English to get to the people,” Leire adds. “Sometimes you don’t need to know lyrics because you feel it.””

I had a delightful chat with Spanish foursome Melenas about their new album Dias Raros. You can check that out over on Beats Per Minute.

Follow us: https://melenas.bandcamp.com https://open.spotify.com/artist/3vLz3LvH5DRDZOy6SU9w2f https://www.facebook.com/melenasband/ https://www.instagram.co...

Q&A: Fears discusses mental health, self-harm, and her new song “two_”

Q&A: Fears discusses mental health, self-harm, and her new song “two_”

Interview: Harkin

Interview: Harkin