
Welcome to Rob Hakimian’s website, collecting together the best of his writing from over the years.

Run It Back: BPM's Top 50 Albums of 2013

Run It Back: BPM's Top 50 Albums of 2013

We decided to look back a decade to 2013, a year packed with amazing album, to investigate top 50. Check out our picks over here.

i wrote about Blood Orange’s Cupid Deluxe, Darkside’s Psychic, DJ Koze’s Amygdala, Iceage’s You’re Nothing and Ka’s The Knight’s Gambit

Overlooked 2023: The best albums of the year so far we didn't review

Overlooked 2023: The best albums of the year so far we didn't review

Interview: Black Belt Eagle Scout guides us through her homeland and its influence on her new album

Interview: Black Belt Eagle Scout guides us through her homeland and its influence on her new album