
Welcome to Rob Hakimian’s website, collecting together the best of his writing from over the years.

Album Review: Waxahatchee - Tigers Blood

Album Review: Waxahatchee - Tigers Blood

Tigers Blood continues this trajectory, again relying on twanging Southern rock sounds to elucidate Crutchfield’s knotty feelings. While she is now in a healthier place, she still lives with the ghosts of those youthful indiscretions, past friends and questionable actions. This record largely delves into those memories, revisiting them from a mature perspective – though the rawness, in patches, is still evident.”

Katie Crutchfield aka Waxahatchee is still in the prime of her career but is already a classic American songwriter, as Tigers Blood further attests. My full thoughts on the record are over here.

Album Review: Amen Dunes - Death Jokes

Album Review: Amen Dunes - Death Jokes

Album Review: Mannequin Pussy - I Got Heaven

Album Review: Mannequin Pussy - I Got Heaven